The song "My Dark Foamy Friend", already released as a single, has reached a
monthly audience of over 20.000 listeners within a few weeks on Spotify!!
Paddy Murphy, an Upper Austrian band, that spreads so much Irish attitude
towards life that one has to ask oneself if the musicians don't have genuine
Irish ancestors somewhere in their pedigrees. When their namesake died
people sang, drank and partied in his honour. Keeping up this tradition is
what the Austrian Irish Folk-Rock Band has set out to do!
If you want to indulge in Irish & Celtic Folk Rock, you will definitely take
pleasure in Paddy Murphy. Irish homesickness, struggle for freedom, sailor's
yarn and the rebellious spirit come together in a musical whirlwind from
Austria, "uhh", straight from the Emerald Isle.

Paddy Murphy is no longer only known in Austria. For over 10 years the Irish Speed Folk Rock Band has
been touring all over Europe. This special music style inspires thousands of fans of all ages.
The band from Steyr (Upper Austria) around the singer and multi-instrumentalist Franz Höfler, Hermann
Hartl (fiddle), Oliver Loy (guitar), Ingolf Wolfsegger (bass) and Florian Aufreiter (drums) inspires with a
mixture of hard rock combined with harmonic folk melodies. The fast tempo is not only evidence of high
musical ability, but also transports the unrestrained energy of the thoroughbred musicians. An infectious
love of life which is immediately transferred to the audience. Kilts and checked trousers are the
"Paddies”’ distinctive trademark and skilfully underline the originality of their music.

With "Irish Speed Folk Rock" - as they aptly describe their style - Paddy Murphy is touring successfully
throughout Europe. In the last few years their performances in Germany have included the Eschweiler
Music Festival, the Baggersee-Open-Air-Pförring, the Festival Maritim in Bremen etc. In Switzerland the
"Paddies" played several times at the Irish Open Air in Toggenburg, at the Rheinwaldfestival, at the
Highlandgames in Feraltorf as well as at the Rock the Ring in Hinwil (Switzerland). In the Italian Padova
Paddy Murphy performed in front of 8.000 and in Rasa (South Tyrol) in front of 12.000 visitors. Further
very successful gigs in Italy followed such as in Trieste, Bologna, Treviso, Dumenza etc. as well as in
France at the Aymon-Festival 2019. For 2020 the diary is again quite full, gigs in Central Europe are fixed
and of course also in Austria. (Dates: www.paddymurphy.at)

After two very successful albums ("Dog`s Dinner" and "Coffin Ship") intensive effort was invested in a new
album entitled "Rams Rebels Goats & Girls" in 2019. The fourteen tracks + two live cuts as bonus tracks
(live bonus tracks are available on the album only, not available online via stream) are all about the
Emerald Isle, women, whiskey and Guinness – in the unmistakable Paddy Murphy style. The successful
musicians invested a year and are again bursting with energy and refreshing exuberance in the new songs,
such as "Epic Scene of Life". But also touching ballads like "The Cliffs of Grey" with depth will surprise the
Paddy fans.