A guitarist and a bassist meet.
This could be the beginning of a bad musician's joke, but in the case of Claus
Spechtl and Gina Schwarz it became the start of an exciting musical
encounter, to which drummer Gernot Bernroider was eventually invited.
The original plan was just to play regular jams in order to keep track of their
standards repertoire . Very soon, however, the desire arose not only to
reinterpret standards with each other, but also to experience their own music
through each other in new ways.
And so a repertoire with compositions by Gina Schwarz, Claus Spechtl and also
some jazz standards emerged.
In the summer of 2019, they decided to document part of this repertoire in
the recording studio.
"We Crossed Our Way" documents the encounter of three musicians coming
from very different directions.
Gina Schwarz, who, among other things, has developed a great affinity for
Latin rhythms, but above all a distinctive style of composition.
Gernot Bernroider, a "real" jazz drummer in the best sense of the word, with
a sense for subtle undertones and dynamic nuances.
And Claus Spechtl, who will never deny his penchant for blues ballads, but
even so is also always happy to be challenged by encounters with the new and

Claus Spechtl Guitar
Gina Schwarz Bass
Gernot Bernroider Drums