
Yodel-Jazz and a pleasant surprise
„Bock auf Heidi“ mixes yodeling with bittersweet dialect chansons, German
ballads and rhythmic, funny folk songs.
The tone of voice of this powerful-dynamic vocal technique derived from the
traditional alpine music meets world music, pop and mainly jazz. The result is an
unique mixture of folk-like creative yet modern sound pattern. In one word:
The compositions are created by the Bandleaders Ilona and Christoph Lindenbauer.
“Bock auf Heidi” uses the rich repertoire of the traditional alpine songs. Here, the
arrangements and energy of these “Traditionals” are enriched with the
characteristic “Bock-auf-Heidi” style, which makes them appear fresh and crisp!
Next to the voices, the instrumental lead is hold by the accordion, double bass and
the cajon. Piano, guitar and the Jew’s harp make the acoustic experience
Ilona and Christoph Lindenbauer are supported by Kurt Gersdorf (“Der Berg”,
“Lungauer Bigband”) and the percussionist and drummer Gerhard Sauberer (“Trio
Inflagranti”, “Liber Tango”). This constellation of rennomated Salzburgean
musicians will perform on stage together.
On record (comapct disc) or live in concert: „Bock Auf Heidi“ is touching and fun
while stimulates to dance – making it one of the most exciting surprises on the
Austrian music landscape.
Bock auf Heidi – „Chiemsee-Liedermacher Contest 2016“ winner.

Ilona Lindenbauer: Voice and accordeon
Christoph Lindenbauer: double bass, guitar, Jew’s harp and voice
Kurt Gersdorf: Saxophone, piano and voice
Gerhard Sauberer: Cajon and percussion