The album 'Abre Camino' reflects the versatile and varied career of therenowned Austrian percussionist Michael Mittersteiner.
His passion for folk music from all over the world is clearly evident. Thepowerful arrangements move in the respective genres without beingrestricted by too many rules. Percussion and vocals in their purest form.
The production is based on the collaboration with many internationallyworking artists who have accompanied the career of the percussionist overthe past decades. Each number was tailored to a guest musician ordeveloped together with them.
In the process, different culturalbackgrounds have met and been inspired by each other. The titles arepartly elaborately arranged, partly played as duets.Through this process a musical journey around the world has been created.The listeners are taken to Cuba, Brazil, India, Nigeria or Burkina Faso,among other places. The musician is also not afraid to mix different stylesin order to create his very own, individual sound world.
After almost two years of recording, the production was completed. Theresult is a work that is unparalleled in terms of versatility and creativity.

Louis Sanou:
Born in Burkina Faso. Originates from a family of
professional musicians.
Worked among others with: Kasama-Percussion,
Kanazoe, Ousmane Dembele, Seydou Diabate,
Markus Grubinger, Mamadou Diabate…
Eric Durrer:
Born and resident in Luxembourg.
Leader and founder of the band ‘Choco y sus
Was working and recording with countless
productions in Latin- and World music.
Mestre Xuxo:
Born in Sao Paulo/ Brazil
Capoeira mestre and musician.
Leader of ‘Enjoy yourself’ and ‘Capoeira Pelo
Sinal da Santa Cruz’. Including a lot of
international capoeira and movement schools.
Milagros Pineira:
Born in Cardenas/Cuba.
Leadsinger of the renowned Austrian salsa band
Worked among others with: Daisy Joplin, Son Dos, Jon Sass, Tonkünstler, Württembergische Philharmonie
Christian Lettner:
Since 2011 the Austrian drummer is based in Munich/Germany.
Member of the group: Klaus Doldingers Passport
Worked among others with: WDR Big Band, Nils Landgren, Peter O’Mara…
Lecturer for drums at ‘Hochschule für Musik und Theater München‘
Haider Khan:
Born in Rajasthan. Resident in Vienna/Austria.
Worked with countless musicians in the genres Jazz and World music. Among others: Lila, Folk Brothers,
Ravi Shankar, Harri Stojka…
Contramestre Tamarindo:
Born in Salvador/Brazil.
Based in Munich he is the leader of the capoeira school ‘Capoeira Gingando Sempre’
Machou Sanou:
Resident in Burkina Faso.
Sister of the percussion player Louis Sanou.
She is a well known singer in her country and dedicated herself to folk music.
Jugendchor der Musikschule der Stadt Linz:
Under the direction of Christa Mittersteiner the choir successfully worked with different artists around the
Alberto Caicedo:
Born in Colombia. Since 2011 based in Luxembourg.
Worked among others with: Cubop City, Nueva Manteca, Nils Fischer…
Teaches vocals at Codarts Rotterdam